Crystal Dragon

From Zezenia Online Wiki
Revision as of 18:07, 2 April 2021 by Fenom (talk | contribs)
Crystal Dragon

Health 6500
Experience 3500
Defense 70-85
Damage 165-420
Respawn 220 seconds


Item Amount
gold pieces 1-100
gold bars 1-5
poisonous mustached herb 1-2
rotten meat 1-2
magus' oceanic garment 1
glowing crystal 1
crystal wand 1
bluestone sabatons 1
rough ring 1
reinforced war bow 1
ring of magic 1
crystal dragon heart 1
crystal dragon wing 1
piece of crystal dragon skin 1
dragon bone 1
masterwork knight legs 1
mystical Norrlun herb 1


Location Map Video

|- | Karkkila


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|- | Path to only Crystal Dragon spawn Karkkila


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