Adriano's Daily Delivery

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Adriano's Daily Delivery
Location Vevay
Starting NPC Adriano
Minimum level 100
Rewards 0.5 challenge points and either a Magician's purse.pngmagician's purse, Ranger's satchel.pngranger's satchel, Warrior's rucksack.pngwarrior's rucksack, Sacred necklace.pngsacred necklace or Silver boots.pngsilver boots.
Video Watch video (spoilers)

Daily quests (every 22 hours)


The following section contains gameplay spoilers!

Locate Adriano and say the following to him,

Player: hi

Player: task

Player: bye

Adriano will then give you a package which you then have to deliver to Asher. Asher is South of Vevay. Make sure to carry more than enough health and mana potions.

You will run into the following monsters on your way to Asher:
Evil Eye,Evil Eye.png Nocturne,Nocturne.png Dracolich,Dracolich.png Ghoul,Ghoul.png Zombie,Zombie.png

Once you've reached Asher, say the following to him,

Player: hi

Player: package

Player: bye

Now you can proceed back to Vevay and tell Adriano that you've completed the quest and delivered the package to Asher.

Once you've returned, say the following to Adriano.

Player: hi

Player: package

Player: bye

Adriano will then randomly reward you with either a magician's purse, ranger's satchel, warrior's rucksack, sacred necklace or silver boots.