
From Zezenia Online Wiki
Revision as of 14:20, 16 September 2023 by Ritari (talk | contribs)


Enchanting is a way for players to upgrade their item tiers for additional bonuses. There are three different tiers for equipment: Ordinary, Epic and Legendary.

You can use an Anvil.pngAnvil in the poor quarters of Ellaria to enchant your items.

The Basics

To enchant an item, players must kill the daily boss Balmor in Ellaria to gather ores. These ores will be used for enchanting. Each kill will give you one ore. To enchant an ordinary item, one ore and xxx is needed. To enchant an Epic item 3 ores and xxx is needed. To enchant a Legendary item 5 ores and xxx is needed. The stats on the items are randomly generated and may vary every time you enchant an item. You can choose to either keep the current item or enchant it with the new stats.

For ordinary items there is a 1/50 chance to roll an epic tier item and a 1/100 chance to roll a legendary item. To roll a legendary from an epic item has a 1/xx chance.

Rollable bonuses

Melee weapons Distance weapons Shields Spellbooks Rings Amulets Helmets Armor Gloves Pants Boots Bracers
Dist +
Def +
ml +
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