Royal Rescue Chests

From Zezenia Online Wiki
Royal Rescue Chest
Location All around the map
Starting NPC Thorvald
Minimum level 30

There is a total of 36 Royal Rescue Chests across the map, you can open each chest every 30 days. All potion rewards are random and the size depends on your level.
Ampoule of light.pngAmpoule of light
Ampoule of gathering speed.pngAmpoule of gathering speed
Ampoule of defense.pngAmpoule of defense
Ampoule of life steal.pngAmpoule of life steal
Ampoule of magic defense.pngAmpoule of magic defense
Ampoule of haste.pngAmpoule of haste
Ampoule of luck.pngAmpoule of luck
Ampoule of experience.pngAmpoule of experience